This may be old news to most of you but I thought I'd post it. The company is having troubles and is closing many of their stores. The one close to my house is closing and they've got everything in the store going for up to 20% off. From what I've heard, the other closing stores are doing the same.
They actually just filed for Chapter 11 as well... but have yet to claim they are "going out of business" but I don't think it'll be long. -KM
I went to CC today, even with the 10% off (yes 10%, only shit like Hello Kitty Island Adventure was 20% off) everything was still overpriced and the store looked like a riot happened. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything. Maybe when they get desperate and the stock is like 40-50% off but going now is a waste of time. Even the big ticket items are way cheaper at Brandsmart.
Haha, something me and Secksy agree on Silver Black Member FTW!!! PLUS, circuit city prices at 20% off, are like normal Best Buy prices, lol
The store in my area is selling ps3 for 125$, x360s are going for 75$ each, and the x360 elites are selling for 200$ i belive. I already have bought 2 360's and 2 ps3, so yeah, look for me on e-bay.
That begs the question of why those stores don't just ship their products off to ebay once they hit the 20% profit loss margin.
you're completely full of shit. Seeing that sony has lost 3.6 Billion dollars from just making PS3's. Nobody gets them at a "Cost" price, and circuit city wouldnt price them at 125. AND, IF they did. you would be smarter to buy all of them, and resale them for 200-275.
o.0? K mark shut down around here a good 7-10 years ago. And merc, please be civil, regardless of if TheBerch's claims are ludicrous. Typos and miscommunications exist.
For people who actually buy things at stores like these, I'm pretty sure there's a limit per customer, especially considering it's a close out sale. Although you could attempt to come back at a later time, they'd probably be gone already. The point of closing sales is to recoup whatever costs they still have that exists in stock--they're no longer trying to make a profit and certainly don't know or care what Sony or Microsoft makes from the sales.
I don't think that's how it works. Store Buys Product Store Sells Product Store Runs out of Product Store Buys More Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Its costing sony more than what they sell PS3's for, to just make them. Which means curcuit city isnt gonna buy a product, and then sell it for 3x less than what they had to pay for it. If I see a Receipt, ill then proceed to go into a corner, then kill myself Looks like they got some financing to help them out of this.
Hehe, that made me giggle. Hahahahhahaha 1.1 Billion Chapter 11. Rofl. Holy debt consolidation Batman!