Hey, this is a re-post of my previous application. Alkihaul, a friend in the guild, suggested I re-post my app because the guild needs 1 or 2 more chanters. If he was BSing me, sorry for the spam. 1. Age: 28 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Forum: Ohmage 3. Class: Chanter 4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes 5. Previous gaming experience: For MMOs: DAOC, L2, Eq2, WoW, WAR, AOC. 6. Why did you chose XoO: It appears to be an established guild preparing for AION. I also have a couple friends that have joined the Aion portion of the guild. 7. Do you have a referral?: Alkihaul 8. A little bit about yourself: I work full time, but I am a pretty regular gamer. I consider myself an active pvp'er in all games that I play and I prefer world pvp both solo and in groups. I am committed to guilds that I join and don't jump ship to the fotm. 9. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 20-30 10. Apply to usergroup: Done.
vent interview went well Also, check out this page. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8386 ACCEPTED