WoW Cesspool's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Cesspool, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Cesspool

    Sep 28, 2016
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    What is your name, age, and battle tag?:
    Cesspool, 31, Cesspool#1577
    Tell us a bit about yourself.:
    Legion is the First expansion that i've been serious since Wrath, dispite dabbling in all the expacs between now and then.

    I tend to stay away from FPS games, although i do play and enjoy them occasionally. I enjoy old school rpgs like FF3(6), and Chrono Trigger.

    Oh, and Jimtko is a jerk. :p
    What is your character's name?:
    What class and specialization(s) are you applying as?:
    Fire Mage
    Have you read what the expectations are for joining us?:
    Link your armory page.:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    Can you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?:
    Can your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?:
    Can you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?:
    I utilize the mage forums and the Mage discord. For other information, I use Icy-veins and wowhead.
    Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.:
    Provide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.: Not in combat, but this is the UI
    Recount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?:
    Rise of Legends- Conflicts with Leadership.
    Volition - No real reason, just wanted to raid with RoL
    Summarize your raiding experience.:
    Vanilla: MC, BWL, AQ40, ZG/AQ20
    BC: Kara, SSC, TK, BT, Sunwell
    WoTLK: Naxx, Ulduar, Trial, ICC
    Cata, BWD, BoT
    MoP: ToT, SoO
    WoD: BrF
    Legion: EN
    What are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?:
    A friendly atmosphere to raid and enjoy the content with.
    Do you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?:
    Jimtko, hes a jerk. I've ran a few M+ with Syphin and Eletid.
    Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?:
    I like long walks on the beach, and Vol'jin got shanked like a prison bitch who stole a cupcake. *spoilers*
  2. Kuulin
    Veteran CO

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Gas Engineer
    Kansas, U.S.
    Accepted and on trial period.