1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Cedricbixler Holy paladin 2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained):http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&cn=Cedricbixler 3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 21 4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding: 410 black smithing 450 Jewelcrafting. best raiding professions. 5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: cleared up to sindragosa both 10 and 25 man 6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class: Rawr is a godsend. and Ej pretty much covers healing. 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): Student. Exam times and random shit might get in teh way, but i have good raid attendance without those 8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): Unfair advantage blew up. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: I'm looking for good guilds, I'm a top notch player and dont want to play with scrubs. since Xen, VoS and Invalid are cuurently the only guilds worth anything I'm apping to you. 10. List consumables you bring to raid: Mojo and frostwyrm, haste food 11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): Works for me 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), I think all the Logs from UA are gone. I pulled 30K healing on dreamwalker last week . I'm solid people stay alive. 13. Provide a UI screenshot: This is Old but the same Structure is there. http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/8774/wowscrnshot021010152246.jpg 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I'm an asset.
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/indhcw0qxl1g7b75/sum/healingDone/?s=11763&e=12160 I found the logs from that valithria went back on Xanders logs he posted on his app. What is your raiding experience prior to WoTLK? Did you play any other classes as well?
1. We currently run with 1 other holy paladin. On fights where raid-wide damage is more severe, would you be able/willing to DPS in order for us to use a more raid-oriented healer? 2. How might your spec change considering we run with 1-2 ret pallies who already have improved BoM? 3. Given the movement required in most fights in ICC, do you feel that Icewalker is still the best boot enchant? 4. How do you feel about the 4 piece T10 bonus for holy paladins?
I type the same answers cause I'm not use to the post not showing up. I though my computer messed up so i typed it out again.
Swiftzz- I played a Lock named Cloviko through the end of vanilla and through BC. ON him i raided with bunny slayers through BC and up to ToGC anub'arak. r3d3- 1. I would love to be able to fully use ret, but my pieces are just random from the icc heroics and citadel. 2 I can always go Divine sac spec which trades the crit i get from ret for a raid dmg reduction talent. Imo the crit is better as its only a 6 second reduction. However i can respec as needed. the imp BoM is basically a filler talent for the crit beyond it. 3. Im a situational away player. i don't need the extra speed to stay out of stuff, that being said the 12 crit is better. 4. I will go toward the 4 piece set, however the set pieces don't get BiS till the i lvl 277 versions. My main spell is HL so outside the first cast i don't let lights grace fall off that much. So in the mean time i will continue to use pieces like rot resistant chest and my hands till then.
We would definitely like you to be DuAl Spec Ret, for fights where a healer of another class would be needed. A lot of our ICC 25 gear i starting to be DE'd so gearing is not an issue.
I can't find if there is just a WoW forum, so im posting here. This week is my spring break, but i have to manage my parents business while they are out of town to open up another restaurant. meaning i wont get off work till 11-12am every night this week. Its going to be an awesome spring break. Ill Be ready to start next week asI'll be back at college. thanks Cedric