Much apprecated if you could ;p 1) First, log into your admin cp, and go into your "MANAGEMENT" tab. 2) Scroll down the page and find "Add New BBCode" 3) Then click on it and paste the following within each field: Custom BBCode Title: Megavideo Custom BBCode Description: Share a Megavideo you found with others on the forum! Linking is no longer required! Just input the video id and press ok! Custom BBCode Example: [megavideo]J3SGOZLX[/megavideo] Custom BBCode Tag: megavideo Use Option in tag?: No Switch option around?: No Custom BBCode Replacement: <embed src="{content}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="432" height="351"></embed> Insert into the editor's 'Insert Special' menu?: Yes Enter 'option' dialogue text: (Do Not Put Anything In This Field!) Enter 'content' dialogue text: Share a Megavideo you found with others on the forum! Linking is no longer required! Just input the video id and press ok! 4) Enjoy the new changes, smile.gif
what they're driving at is that we already have that exact setup for the youtube links (which is used considerably more that megavideo by us). Adding clone code to support a different site that likely won't get used as much doesn't seem worth the time to me :x also, we have a site feedback forum so that jeb will easily see ideas brought up.
Good idea. I don't see why we couldn't support more video styles. Not everything is available on youtube. I was actually trying to find a way to imbed one earlier today but instead had to just post the entire link to the thread. I'd do what Yizelin said and post this in the suggestions forum though.