Fox news says Bulletstorm could make you a rapist...
Interesting. OP, I played the demo and felt it was a Serious Sam on steroids. Probably won't get it, although I'm looking forward to what other people say about it!
Epic announced that there is no co-op campaign which is a deal breaker for me. So I will be canceling my preorder soon.
^^^^^ Me either. I try to be, really I do. But it is just too hard to tone down my awesomeness and let others feel like they have a chance of winning.
You've re-perked my interest! BTW, Secksy's new sig = ftw, I've seen it before but can't remember where!
Just finished this game took about 5 hours on normal. Im going to go through it again soon on a harder difficulty. I love that drill gun you get. You can stick people to the floor and they spin around and you get a break dancer kill lol. Very fun game. Is secksys sig SNSD?
Finished downloading Bulletstorm today. Installed it. Cracked it. Played it for six hours total on normal. Beat it a couple minutes ago. Want more.
I didnt like the game at all. It made me think of if Gears of War got raped by a crappy RPG and out popped Bulletstorm. Standard UE3 graphics, many of which were probably a direct copy of Gears. Extremely linear, not a single bit of imagination past the various skill shots. Skill shots got old and boring after about 10 minutes, after that it just feels like a massive grind to get points you need.
Dude, the themepark area was awesome to me, and the writing was tons of fun (Rick Remender, wooooot). Then the bigass monster shows up in the REAL city and hoooly shit that was awesome. And then when I though the game was ready to kept going, and getting better.