I'm not sure if many of you are aware about what's going behind closed doors at Splash Damage but I'm seriously thinking these guys are going to release gem come September 2010. For those of you haven't heard of Brink it's a shooter that has a lot of promise from what I've seen in concept videos and a short gameplay segments they plan on delivering an experince that is totally unique from what've played in the past. Anyhow I'm not sure if we could get a following going for this game. I know a lot of FPSs released recently have been disappointments and the genre has become stagnant excluding BFBC2 (LOVE THAT GAME), but I seriously believe this game won't disappoint. Check out this videos of what they're trying to achieve. http://www.splashdamage.com/brink#/screens_brink/003_tb.jpg http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14349120/brink/videos/brink_trl_bethesda_trailer_31110.html http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14349...s/brink_trl_charactercustompreview_11910.html http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14349120/splash-damage-project/videos/brink_trl_airport_120409.html
I'm just waiting for it to come on steam so I can pre-order along with MoH. This game looks really fun. Also here's the official game site with some sweet vids(may be repeated from nishua's links) that show a couple cinematic and engine designs.
Yes I am. I already have the game purchase for the Xbox 360 I don't mind buying on the PC to pwn noobs. Problem is my schedule right now is terrible I wouldn't be able to game with you guys at all. Well only on the weekends and it seems like most of the activity happens during week days.
I'm in a similar situation. Nish and I have been pwnin' noobs on 360 a few times though, in the name of XoO.
I like the freedom of movement feature..the style/look of the world is nice...the color pallet looks good. This is one ill keep an eye on.
Wow i just watched the CG trailer for this, i am so hyped for it! I practice parkour myself and have been waiting for a game to match parkour with a shooter! Sweet! Hope there is a beta in the near future....
Its alot of fun dude, just find a local group or gymnastic gym and go try it out. I only just started a few months ago, people are usually pretty nice and helpfull, teach you the basics. I had some basics already because of martial arts but there are always beginners.
wow nice find, I haven't heard of this one yet. That freedom of movement video was pretty hype! I'm wondering how that will play out in a multiplayer environment. Hit boxes and such.
I'm looking forward to this one as well, some quality FPS and cover by the looks of it. What has me most intriqued atm is the missions within the larger mission and the ability to change kits.
Hm. I hadn't come across this one yet, although it does look like it could be fairly entertaining! I like the freedom of movement bit, however I can see how it might be a bit buggy or otherwise act in a manner you hadn't intended, unless done exactly right.