So, Lexx the B sci fi series with softcore porn undertones has it's great moments, this is probably the best episode and it's a musical. So some tl;dr background is the main 3 characters in this episode are: Kai - An undead assassin from an ancient people, robbed of all want and desire. Xev - A sex slave mixed with dune monster DNA or something who loves Kai but he does not have wants. Stanley Tweedle - An assembly line worker at a protein bank (basically soylent green factory he is a slave at). Stanley broke free and took command of the most powerful warship that has existed ever, it blows up planets THEN eats them.
lexx for me was the best sci fi show ever.. better than star trek... The 8 hour episode "Tales from a Parallel Universe" is the one that got me hooked. An epic tale...and really epic tail.