1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Menopaws, Druid, Balance 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed): http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&n=Menopaws 3. List raid helpful professions: I chose eng, Because I get many haste and crit buffs which is essential for a boomkin, also the speed boost can come in handy. even tho my eng is at 405 thats all i needed to get all of the tinkers. 4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: ive played wow for about 3 years and have cleared all wrath content exept 25m togc and am missing yogg 25m uld 5. PvP influences and impact on raiding: Pvp is broken. 6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): i am 18 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): I am currently attending school and have no job. My gf can suck a dick raid nights so no problem there either 8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): Im leaving my irl friends guild , they dont raid and i wanna do work. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: its xen, who doesnt know about em 10. List consumables you bring to raid: Flasks and personal food 11. Additional Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):I can move my schedule to fit raids, so again no problem 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: 13. Provide a UI screenshot from raid combat: Havent taken a screen shot in a recent raid ><. 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: Ive been 80 less then a week have a 5k gear score pull great dps and powered a profession. If that doesnt say dedication then idk what does.
A. Mining is not a raid profession, would expect it to be dropped for something else, maybe JC? B. Way over hit cap and you have hit gems. Why? C. Do not have your Sons of Hodir shoulder enchant. D. Blue quality gems E. Missing numerous enchants. Your DPS with that gear is impressive, but we expect all raiders to be doing all the little things to maximize their performance. These things are all self-correctable.
my gear increased greatly over a short period of time im fixing it and yes its getting dropped, i understand all of ur concerns and im doing my best.
I would like to see you update your gear and show us some in-raid performance (maybe VoA, or whatever you can get into)
Wouldn't mind seeing your DPS in a raid (or a screenshot with more than 10 seconds worth of burst DPS)
My main is a boomkin, Swaponem, can I give you a little review and ask some questions? IMO your gear is totally fine for anything up to TOC heroic. Your shoulder enchant is not a big issue, the standout problems with your gear is that your gems are weird. You're missing about 23 SP and 4 SPR b/c of socket bonuses. Your hit is 3 points off too, but w/e. I prefer more haste and less mana regen too. YMMV So all of that is easy to fix with gold. Your spec is fine. I use Owlkin Frenzy instead of IFF cause of feral druids in my raids. And personally I like Intensity. Why not go with Glyphs of Starfire, Moonfire, and Starfall? Is focus very good? Because of the low total % of damage of Starfall? Moonfire dots are a lot. (Add a Glyph of the Wild and Glyph of Aquatic form for some fun What I would be asking you is tell me about your rotation. When do you run out of mana? What kind of fights are hard for you? Do you have Twilight Vanquisher or Maly 10? Can you get your engineering leveled to make repair bots and always bring them? Can you make raids on time 75% of the time (or w/e you guys do). What gear are you looking for specifically from the new raids? That's what I think about on my toon. Hope I was helpful.
Neptuno, I understand that i have to get my boomy into more wotlk content but so far he has done 10/25 toc 10 togc and 10 icc. ive only 1 day played 80 so i need more time to get into some raids. Earley, Thanks for all of your advice im going to try and incorperate some of it to my toon. i do plan on maxing out my engineering because i just got jeevs off a trash pull , and as for raids i can show up 100% of the time
oh sorry and as for my rotation i keep moonfire and insect swarm on the target at all times and spam wrath till eclipse procs then switch to starfire. i replace wrath and moonfire everytime the get to about 1 second left on my dot timer
Hey guys just want an update, ill have t10 and fully enchanted tomorrow , sorry about the MH still waiting for a decent one before i drop gold
did you have what was asked as well? meters from longer periods/real raids? otherwise, i say it looks promising.
Toc is all i really did this week and i know because of the mechanics of the fights dps isnt really true but from the post of the meters my gear gotten better again lol. and i know lime asked for the percentage but i forgot and my meters were erased >< but my rotation is , and i apologize for the lack of a pic Pre-Lunar. Cast Wrath until the Eclipse buff appears (have some mod that will make it very obvious when you gain the buff). Lunar Eclipse. When you see the buff, finish casting your current Wrath and then cast Starfire for the duration of Eclipse. Pre-Solar. When Eclipse fades, continue casting Starfire. Note that a Starfire only gains the benefit if it is fully completed while the Eclipse buff is up, so if you only have time for a partial cast, your Eclipse is effectively over. Cast Starfire until the Eclipse buff appears. Solar Eclipse. Cast Wrath for the duration. Continue casting when it ends to loop back around into step 1. also i got my haste above my regen like was asked and tried for only epic gems
just needed something quick and blue so my meta would work , ill replace them with epic spirit soon, because as a boomkin i get sp from spirit as well
ok fully epicd gemmed fully enchanted, only thing i can really do now is raid, and level my tailoring
Being that it was the weekend, not many officers were on. Your app will be discussed this week sometime.