Blade and Soul Rising Waters Patch and Q&A

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by arcanmene, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. arcanmene
    Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught XO

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Tacoma, WA
    Hello everyone,

    I'm sending this out to remind everyone that the Rising Waters patch will go live at 1300 EST (1000 PST). This is the first major content patch for Blade and Soul! I also decided to include some Q&A that I've heard about Blade and Soul:

    Q: What faction?
    A: Cerulean Order

    Q: What level is required to join the main guild?
    A: 35+, but it will likely move to 40 or 45

    Q: What server?
    A: Jiwan

    Q: Is this a casual or hardcore game?
    A: Currently this game is a mid-core kind of game, but will be much more hardcore starting when Rising Waters drops.
    This is the XoO stance on the casual/hardcore issue:
    Casual means you play less than 20 hours a week and can be at the top or near the top if you play 20 hours or less.
    Mid-core means 21-25 hours and hardcore is 26 and above.
    In order to be a good player in this game you need to commit more than 15 to 20 hours a week. Any less and you really aren't contributing that much.

    Q: Is this game free to play? Pay to win?
    A: This game is free to play and is not pay to win. Pay to win means you have to pay for a sub in order to progress in the game. Everything, with the exception of some glamour items, is obtained in the game without buying anything. I do, however, highly recommend you pay a sub since there are rewards and quite honestly this game shouldn't be free to play anyway.

    Q: Are the classes balanced?
    A: For the most part yes. Every class has a counter. The only class I will say is broken and needs a nerf is the Destroyer. You literally can use 3 buttons on a destroyer and dominate.

    Q: What are the roles of the classes?
    A: There is no dedicated healer, but the Summoner can heal. The tanks are the Blade Master and Kung-Fu Master, but the Destroyer, Summoner, and Blade Dancer can tank in some circumstances.
    Summoner: Ranged caster, staff; nullifies ranged attacks, can heal, makes party invisible, can tank
    Kung-Fu Master: Melee, gauntlets; dedicated tank
    Blade Master: Melee, sword; blocks attacks; dedicated tank
    Blade Dancer: Melee, lynblade; parries attacks; picks up bosses and enemies; weakens enemies
    Assassin: Melee, dagger; nullifies ranged attacks; makes party invisible; poisons enemies
    Force Master: Ranged caster, bangle; nullifies ranged attacks; freezes the party; CC's enemies
    Destroyer: Melee, two handed axe/scythe user; picks up bosses and enemies; strengthens other classes while picked up
    Warlock (not currently in the game): Ranged caster

    Q: Will Xen stay active in this game?
    A: Xen is already extremely active and will remain so for a long time. We constantly have more and more interviews that we do, and every time we post in guild recruitment more people apply. We have name recognition in BnS and the previous Aion group (the ones who left us) are currently all playing in BnS... so it's personal.

    Q: What is peak time?
    A: Peak time is normally around 10 p.m. EST on the weekdays and all day on the weekends unless there is a holiday like last weekend (Lunar New Year and Superbowl).

    Q: Is it PvP or PvE? Which is more important?
    A: Both PvP and PvE are in this game, and both are important. To be a good player in this game you need to be good at both PvP and PvE. The extreme PvE players will do 4 man content while the extreme PvP players will strive for platinum rating in the arena.

    Q: How active do I need to be?
    A: You need to play 20 hours a week if you plan to be in the main guild. If you play less you may be put in the alt guild.

    Q: What are my requirements in the guild?
    A: Be active, do your dailies, do guild dungeon runs, pvp with the guild.

    Q: Who is leading BnS and who are the officers?
    A: Currently Ani is the leader, Riot, myself, and Darktide are all officers, but officer application are up so feel free to apply.

    Feel free to ask any questions about BnS. We are going to continue to go hardcore in this game, so join if you want to be in an active guild and play an amazingly fun game.

    See you in-game
    XoO XO
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016