Black Ops Team TWL 5-1

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by bishop, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]
    Tonight our Call of Duty Black Ops team won their sixth match of the comp season to make them 5-1 in the Hardcore Capture the Flag TWL Ladder. We are currently ranked 24 in the ladder and we sure as hell arnt stopping there (I wouldnt worry about that 1). Drop down and give them a pat on the back for continuing to make Xen of Onslaught look damn good in the FPS scene.
  2. We did it!
  4. good job gents !!! keep it up
  5. Grats
  6. Vrag

    Vrag Guest

    Good Job Guys, you deserved the Tina Medal, to accept, please click on the link below :drool:

  7. amazing job. Our FPS team is kickass!
  8. GG fellows.
  9. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Awesome, glad to see so many divs doing well.
  10. Wow, good job guys, Good to see that the division is doing well. Sorry I haven't been around, focusing on school until Summer, then I will join you.