I have made this thread for 2 reasons: 1. For people to actually represent their thoughts which ships is worth its price 2. I want to decide which ship to get with a budget of 60$ So if you could offer some advice i would be really thankful
Well if my numbers as a veteran backer now match those of people just getting into the fold then you really only have a few ships to choose from with your current budget. Aurora: Solid ship, and has many facets it can fit into. Think of it as the Scion or Mid level Toyota of the world. It has a lot of different packages it can be bought in and has a setup to meet most roles you would need from it. Whether it's carrying goods, to dogfighting, it can fit those roles. Probably one of the best bang for the buck ships out there. 300i: An all around solid ship but the upper end of your budget. Which you can only get the base model of the ship within your price point there are varieties that meet more specific roles. Exploration, Racing and Dogfighting. The racing variant cannot be upgraded to in game with the base chasis as the 350r is actually a completely different chasis for the same style of ship. There are exploration and dogfighting options to upgrade to for this ship from the 300i, but there is no real cargo capacity available for it which in my mind leaves a gap in the options you have available for it. I chose this one as my first ship but I picked up the 325a, which is the dogfighting variant, it is much more cash than the base model. Avenger: The avenger is a decommissioned police/military style of ship. It comes with some cargo space, but not much and is mostly designed for dogfighting or pursuit. It's the highest cost you can get within your budget but seemingly has the least roles it can fill. Personally, if I was in the market with your budget and was going to buy from the site directly, I would go with a variant of the Aurora or wait to see what the Mustang comes out with at what price point. Because of the many options available to it and the fact it's cargo bay is modular and can be upgraded in game it seems the best choice currently. With the new Mustang on the horizon, you may want to wait and see what options it has available as it supposedly will use a similar if not the same cargo module of the Aurora which means it may be a bit nicer, with ball mounted front weapons and cargo bay that's the same level of customization. If the video's released thus far for it mean anything, it may have better energy weapons but may lose missile hard point available on the Aurora to level them out. Also since the Mustang is supposed to be a competitor directly for the Aurora it will probably sell for around the same price. Not to mention I think the Mustang looks a lot nicer than the Aurora. Edit: I'll most likely buy a Mustang when it comes out because if it's close to the Aurora's versatility, it will be worth the cost if it is close to being priced the same. I chose not to get the Aurora because I didn't like the style of the craft. The Mustang's style fits in perfectly with something I would want to pilot. If it has the same versatility, then it'll be more than worth the price.
I'm just guessing but I bet the initial release of the Mustang may include life time insurance. I would wait for that one.
No. The Mustang will not have LTI because they said that to do that you'd have to trade an LTI Aurora for it.
I would personally wait for the Mustang. It's going to be the second starter ship and it looks great.
You're going to be able to get everything in game.. its honestly just to be able to play the modules before hand so go with the aurora unless you have extra money to basically donate to them. The thing is your either going to have be spending more real world/in game money for beef up your constellation to be effective and you'll be skipping (imo) some of the fun buildup. So unless you want to be a cargo ship or have a couple friends who are gonna commit to help you be a gunship and help you get the money to beef up your constellation.. best to go with the starter package.
I probably wanna be either an escort or a pirate, and my budget is flexible upto 40-60$ BUT only if you guys think something is really worth that much
300i: $55.00 Mustang: don't know I don't think LTI is going to be that much of a boon to most players. If you are just going for escort or pirate(XoO seems to be about 50-50 on the morality of pirating) then just start out with the basic package and work up from there. I think it would probably be a good idea to wait until the Mustang comes out to see what its all about. Out of the gate the best bargain for a fighter will probably be the 300i which is $55.00 for just the ship. $65.00 if you care about beta, etc. It says it has more upgrades available than the aurora and it is by default a fighter. Starts you out ahead of people who haven't paid for ships while still leaving in the fun of working towards ships. If you don't want to spend more than 60 I wouldn't worry about the other crap that packages come with it. This game does not seem like it is going to be a pay to win game and right now the bonuses aren't worth the extra cash if you don't have it to spare. You will enjoy the game just fine with just a basic ship. But no hurry to buy there really isn't a need to buy up a ship atm. Just wait til the mustang then make your choice.