Berserkin Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by BerserkAesir, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19
    Name (Forum & IGN): Berserkin
    Class: Sorcerer as main, ranger as alt maybe.
    Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes and Yes.
    Previous gaming experience: WoW for 4 years. Diablo I&II a little. Guild Wars
    Why did you chose XoO: I saw a post on AionSource by you guys and got interested.
    Do you have a referal?: Nope.
    A little bit about yourself: I play alot of games. I am about to start college to become a Sonographer (ultra-sound), and I am a current Aion beta tester.
    Activity Level? (hrs/week): 10 hrs per week.
    Apply to usergroup:Aion(NA)
  2. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    We do require a minimum of 25hrs/wk playtime on average for new applicants. If you think you think you can manage that then reply and we can get you an interview setup.
  3. Ahh ok. I probably won't be able to make the 25 hour mark. From sunday to saturday I'll probably log about 18-20 hrs. Depending on school. Maybe a little bit less if I try to go for all A's in my courses. Sorry to take up space on your threads. I hope you guys do very well in every aspect of Aion and WoW!
  4. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    It's no problem, if anything changes feel free to apply again. Best of luck to you wherever you end up. =)