Woot! after several months of waiting the next chapter has been released, and issue 327 will be released on 02/10/2012 Issue 326 can be read online at: http://www.mangareader.net/berserk/326 if you want to start reading the Berserk manga all the issues are available to read online here: http://www.mangareader.net/96/berserk.html Its a medieval fantasy with tons of gore/violence/fantasy
How exactly does this work. I own all the manga upto 32, but I also notice after that there are 298, 299 ect ect. Are those actually parts of the manga or something else ?
The U.S version of the manga is translated and issued by Dark Horse Comics, the version on the website is directly from Japan and translated by fans who have formed translation groups (like Evil_Genius) to translate several manga into English. The version on the website is the original manga from Japan with nothing cencored or removed (sometimes manga is censored and scenes are removed when it hits the U.S). What is happening in the last part where you left off? ill find it for you on that website so you can be up to date on whats going on in the manga. Edit: Here is another website that shows Chapter 32 (issue 277) up to the current ones: http://manga.animea.net/berserk-chapter-32.html on the website you could be where it says Chapter 32 (issue 277) which is here: http://www.mangareader.net/96-1152-1/berserk/chapter-32.html <---- this website has a better interface Note: Wow your very far behind at least you dont have to wait a couple of months to find out how the story has progressed.
Yup, I am aware that I am behind. Don't have too much free time with lectures and couldn't decide if I just wanted to buy all the manga (for my collection) rather than rush them on the internet.
Where did you buy your manga at anyhow? I am curious because this is one of the series that I would love to own in physical manga books.
I tend to buy straight from the publisher - http://www.darkhorse.com/Search/Browse/berserk/PpwNwkt8 I have to confess, I love my collection of Berserk.