As we draw to a close on the year its a good time to take a look at some of our accomplishments. We have had over 250 members join the XoO BDO division since launch and currently sit very near the 100 member cap, since we started tracking guild missions in April we have had 220+ members contribute to guild missions. With recent MMO history, not just in XoO, the fact that our division continues to thrive is a huge accomplishment and we currently field more members on Nodewar nights than we ever have before, despite the holidays. We will no longer be tracking guild mission attendance and only be doing them as a community activity and to pick up a handful of gathering bonuses as a thanks to our members. We will also be doing regular pay-outs as a thank you for our members hard work any time we hit 2 billion in guild funds. So here are some numbers to put this all in perspective: We completed over 550 missions in 9 months (likely more but dont have complete data) We have had over 227 Members contribute to missions in that time Of our original 64 members tracked for guild missions in April 10 are still active Old Timers who have survived from the beginning: @DizzRa @Mortia @Whammy @DARKTIDE!! @noksukow @Shank @Castywho @Swain @MadLucy Top Performers: @ThomasP @Cattitude @Darvos @Exploding Acorn @LilithX @Swain @Evelyn @DARKTIDE!! @Repeek @noksukow @Whammy @Jardaan Special thanks to our off our guys and gals for getting them done (especially bosses when we did them) @Mortia @Efi Honorable mentions since joining: @Xorngaming , @RINGSNOW , @Castywho , @Myschievous And super special thanks to all the officers and community organizers over the year who helped keep us on track and on task. @Jes @DizzRa @Efi @Darvos @DARKTIDE!! @Vedder @Whammy @Exploding Acorn @Myschievous @RINGSNOW @Cattitude @Efi @Repeek @Salte If I missed anyone sorry, the sheets aren't very conducive to number crunching. Will update further as I go along. Congrats guys and onwards and upwards!
I can't lie, I got what I was looking for when I joined Xen. It has been the most significant part of my gaming life. I'm looking forward to the parts of the future we will share. @DARKTIDE!! and the rest of the staff, including the people who take time out of their own gaming schedule to help this community and division be fun and successful every week (BDOofficers), have my utmost respect and thanks!!! I'll stop talking now, lol.
Yay we did it!!! Cant wait for gathering and fishing bonuses! Also thanks to everyone whoever helped on a late night centaur, waragon, or baskilisk mission!! Those sucked tittes but we always powered through! This division is one of the best groups of people I have ever played a game with. Thank you guys for sticking around and being awesome, and thank you for letting me lead, and always have my back when I need it. I know I can be a bitch but you guys always know it comes from a place of wanting the best for Xen and for BDO and still listen. Major props to everyone!! Here's to making 2017 an amazing year for Xen and for BDO!
I showed up, I did things. Been many pits we have all fallen in as a whole. Yet some how we have crawled out of them. Screw the nay say, screw the people in our way. This division has the potential to be on top. As one of the most competitive, family driven (meaning we don't no life), groups in BDO. Always impressed with the improvements we get everyday, and how much of a difference those improvements make. Keep going strong boys. Keep making Daddy DT happy.