Bdcwrestler-prot warr

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by bdcwrestler, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec:Bdcwrestler/prot
    Applying for position as raider (as probate) or a member/friend: Raider
    Armory Link:

    1. Talent spec(s): discuss theorycrafting choices or dual talent spec experience as well as stats for other specs
    My spec i have found is one of the most used for the highest dps as well as max avoidance. My duelspec is pvp arms.

    2. List Professions you have and how they help your raid performance
    I have max jc with some pretty good extra cuts. and herbing for money and mats for flasks.

    3. How long have you played WoW and what are your PvE accomplishments (include other toons if needed)? I've been playing since BC and have clear all bc content as well as 97% of Wolk just havent downed yogg 10 or 25man yet.

    4. How much do you PvP and how will it impact raiding?
    I do a fair amount of pvp/arena. since my partners are also raiders we call most of our games at 6:15 till we are done raiding.

    5. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions. i am 19yrs old. I'm chill and dont really feel the need to say much unless need be.

    6. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)? WI/usa. I live with my mom until i go back to school in the fall (iowa/usa) where i have my own apt.

    7. Current occupation (outside of WoW) and does it create any scheduling issues with raiding? 1am-9am.

    8. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with you joining someone else). I was in power rangers. now i was gkicked and i dont really know the reason. i wrestle for my college and i had a 2wk team camp i had to go to the internet isnt stable during the summer there so i told them i couldnt make most of the raids. I expecting the same quality of raiding without the overbearing gkicks.

    9. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank.
    Gufi directed me to the site. and i have RL friends in xen (slone)

    10. <What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? What do you do when there is no fish feast?
    I bring 3 stacks of 40stam/stren food. and 5 HP flasks.

    11. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any?

    I will be fine with this schedule.

    12. Submit a damage meter of some kind (or healing meter). If one is not available, explain why. (Tanks do dps too so don't use that as an excuse)
    why i dont have a true reason first time ive been asked honestly. i ave 1.6-2k dps if im tanking.
    13. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet.
    I run dbm, atlasloot, skada.
    14. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application.Upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with the raiding policy as posted.
    I enjoy raiding and i know alot of cool ppl in Xen. just looking to be apart of the growing progression.
  2. Lime

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Network Engineering
    No Where Important
    LOL BDC!
  3. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    now, ive had mixed experiences with you BDC as i know you are a skilled tank... most likely, we'd be looking for you to dps a good deal of the time, so you're dps gear would definitely be of importance to see.

    talents seem to match up give or take between a couple of prot specs in guild, but im not a warrior expert.

    for gems: you have several odd picks to me where the result is 8 extra defense (not a bad thing by itself), 17 extra hit, but 11 expertise (thats close to 100 expertise rating) short of the "soft cap" for dodges even though you did gem on occasion for expertise, it would call reaching 26 a priority to limit parry haste and eliminate dodge.

    im not going to knock power rangers as they are similar on progression though i don't know if it's skill or composition (like us) that's holding them back...
    but the common theme among several members is that you seem to be a guild hopper for whatever reason, and that brings into question your reliability.
    who is "slone" that you say knows you and could vouch for you? i know we talked before when we weren't recruiting warriors and you mentioned him then too. is the listing... i think a character reference would stem most reservations some raiders have expressed.
  4. With Northern barrier i should reach the soft expertise cap. now I wasn't looking to leave pro status or power rangers a conflict between me ad the GM of pro status resulted in a gkick and my not being able to raid for 2wks cuz of wrestling camp resulted in a gkick. death or glory fell apart, and i left impact to team up with power rangers. I have no problem with staying in a guild just have had bad luck :(. slone im sorry i thought he was in the guild in BC and just came back. But Keymaker and Gufi can both vouch for me. I dont have a problem regemming and etc. especially getting so close to diminishing returns on dodge if u wanna see me hit/expertise cap. hope to hear from you soon.
  5. The Cox

    Jun 24, 2008
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    Did you change your name? I swear it's BDC something else...
  6. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    Dyzko, that seems off topic unless you plan to enlighten the rest of us as to some point.

    BDC, as I pointed out, we are looking for an warrior that will more often be dpsing than tanking. having less than the expertise cap pending a drop that via our dkp system wouldn't first to you isn't as big an issue as such, but we still need to know dps stats and experience you have doing that.
  7. The Cox

    Jun 24, 2008
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    Sorry, meant to say I ran a few things with a Bdc something or other, he was a warrior too. Just saying I thought it was something other than wrestler, but I could be mistaken on that part.

    Other than that, he was pretty decent in the run or 2 we have done together etc..
  8. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    if you could show that? a set with 755 resilience doesn't really help
  9. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    well, im guessing he didn't desire to put prot as secondary as he's now in impact. guess if the interest returns he knows where to find us
  10. Corpseater

    Sep 28, 2008
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    yeah I'd guess so, need to find us a warrior for my spot, although my interest of making my paladin my main is running out..
    I do think we should find a loyal one at least... I've heard alot about this BDC being a big time guild hopper.
    Different guild every week!