I actually just installed it recently again.. but the servers that are full since I don't have any expansions seem to be ones that are called Padding? Not sure wtf that means totally but the people there weren't really playing..
XD stat padding.. doh.. yeah those servers are just for raising stats.. kind of lame those still exist.
? you don't need the expansions to find BF2 servers... there are tons of them. Make sure you have the latest patch and you should find a ton. (sort by number of players and look for a low ping one gives me the best results) What I do find hard to find is maps that are not inf. only with lots of players, but as I don't mind that, it's not a problem for me The only expansion I have installed is the special forces one, but that is a separate set of servers. The other ones are just maps as far as I know, and I don't have them installed.
All together with the three expansions there was 39 ranked maps,I played 1800 hrs in bf2,if I wanted to finish with all gold and ranks it would take 7 years.ranking took a while,but to finish all the time needed was a great reason the game has lasted so long.there are servers where people sit in to get time in game,their the ones that are trying to get time awards,but the filters will help you find a populated one,another buddy of mine has 3500 hrs and is a 3 star general,hes a time sitter now.ARMA2! is why Im not going to bother reistalling BF2 ,even thought I wouldnt mind seeing what it would look like with my new system..There's alot of servers,not including the thousands of mods,the reality mod is the best.I stopped playing,I have alot of xfire videos of me being a vehicle whore ,heres a few: GREAT GUNNER VIDEO over 6min 64 man he had 92 kills we died 2 times. http://www.xfire.com/video/448a/ In an SU-37 I'm the GUNNER shot down a cobra with TV missle: http://www.xfire.com/video/5319/ Recovery flat spin F-15 strike eagle: http://www.xfire.com/video/98c4/ BF2 stats:spectr13 http://bf2s.com/player/63331420/ BF2142 STATS:1200+ hrs http://battlefield.ea.com/battlefie...aspx?Lang=us&SrchName=&PID=81564213&Profiles= I play HAWX for my dog fight fix,and now ARMA2 is comming, its BF2 on sim roids. Operation Flashpoint 2 will be the same.if you liked BF2 stay arround for these titles. I compare all games to BF2 ,none compared yet,cod4 was infantry only,BF2 had that aswell.and the maps were better,but COD4 was the only one that stood up too it. frontlines fuel of war,turned out to be a crappy attempt. ARMA 1 needed work. ARMA2 we'll see,taking it for a test drive on july7th.
I used to play BF2 all the time but its hard to find servers for them now. That and most people sucked horrible at choppers and that was just bad.