Bad Company 2 Application * Simply copy and past the app. in a new post then fill in the answers, please make sure to set "Bad Company 2" as the prefix. * All applicants are bound by XoO Rules and code of conduct. * All applicants will be on a four week trail period. 1. Are you or have you ever been a member of XoO ? Probably 2. How old are you.? 21 3. What is your Battlefield Bad Company 2 IGN ? generalsuvorov I think, maybe generalnemesis 4. Are you interested in competition ? yeah 5. What ladder or leagues have played in ? cod4 6. How many hours a week do you plan on playing Bad Company 2? enough to win 7. What other FPS games have you played ? Tons 8. Do you have Ventrillo? Yes Note: your application has to be approved by an officer or Xenate member before it shows up. New posts will typically be approved within a half hour. Please attach the prefix "Other (not listed)" to your application.