If you live in Canada go to that site fill out the short form and hit enter and tell your friends and family as well. Unless you enjoy $200 overage charges because you decided to watch that season of Buffy on Netflix or you burn though your monthly limit because blizzard decided to push a 30g patch for WOW.
Was 50g and around 40-60 dollars Canadian average from the big guys with options to get "insurance" for another 40g for $5 and around $1.50 per gig overage to a max of $30 Going down to 25g average and same price and insurance with 2-5$ a gig for overage in March with a max of up to 300g or $600 - $1500 overage charges depending on your plan.
Two line suppliers cable or phone and in some places some fiber guys. Before a recent decision by the CRTC (Canadian FCC) they where forced to share their last mile lines for wholesale to other ISPs but they got it changed now and that's the results of the change.
I take it pirates aren't having fun up there? If anything happens in Canada like happened in Egypt, your government has a firm grip on your internet unfortunately.
I am pretty lucky and have been with bell sympatico for 10+ years probably and have an old unlimited bandwidth plan. Some months I have had ~200g down. Whenever I call to talk to them they try to get me to switch to another plan on fibre optic saying it will be faster. Douche bags. I only pay 60$/month for it. I will never change this plan. The most they offer now is 120 gigs for like 140$ or something absurd like that.
Wow that is a load of bull shit if you ask me. I know it takes a lot of resources to keep internet access up and running but there is a difference of making a profit and being greedy. Good luck with your fight guys.
Here in Colorado, Comcast charges $50-60 for >20Mb speeds. Recently I checked and they offer 50mb for $100.00. I upgraded. I know Comcast throttles my speeds at a certain point but as long as I can download 10GB, in under 30min, I will be happy.
There have been charges like that here since broadband connections were introduced. Thankfully it's down to $2/GB now rather than $1/MB.
I wonder if development companies are in league with isp's and that's why digital downloads are becoming more popular. I just heard of a local Sony games distribution warehouse being shutdown because of that.
newer games are going to take alot more resources, i mean RIFT is going to eat up bandwith alot more than WoW. Not to mention if you DL new games etc
It's CC to Gilles Duceppe and Elizabeth May??? WTF? Excuse me while I ROFL myself to death! "They're going to charge us for internets! Oh noes! Quick, someone call the Green party and the separatists!!" ahahahahahahahahaha OMG I can't even say it with a straight face hahahahahahahahaha Don't get me wrong, I love Quebec and I vote Green...but seriously, the feds would do the opposite of what these guys want just to piss them off. They don't even let Elizabeth May into the Parliament building! They make her stand in the foyer and peek through the crack in the door!!
Does it hurt to send it to them on the off chance that they do make some noise? After all you don't really care what their reasons for making the noise as along as they make the noise you want them to make.
It sure doesn't hurt! I actually like Elizabeth May anyway... Don't get me wrong, I'm with you 100%, the CC's just cracked me up though. I just ROFL'd my ass off, that's all hahahahaha The good news is that Darth Harper himself has "asked for a review". At least, I hope that's good news. ook:
Your Green party must be a bit less ridiculous than ours. Charges like this are a godsend for film and game producers because they're a lot of data to transfer. It doesn't help recording industries, thanks to standard audio formats being less than 10 MB a song on average, but I wouldn't be too surprised if there's some deals being done in the US to bring this sort of thing in. You'll probably find there are further deals on top of it so that your access to approved sites is unmetered. Subscription TV services, for example, and if you're lucky Steam and major game publishers' servers. They'd prefer not to restrict services that fit their view of how internet users ought to behave.
Also, RIFT allows for up to 10MB/s downloads. This is one of the highest speeds I have seen supported.