Will devour your soul and your life for 8+ hrs at a time. Spent over 16 hours this weekend on it and I am sure I will play more tonight...
Yeah, its a pretty fun game. Sort of annoys me that I don't have the time to play it because of school and work.
This is a stand alone game right? Not like an expansion? I loved the second one (AC2) but it seemed like Brotherhood came out very quickly afterwords. I know the main character is roughly still the same, but its more than just an 'expansion' type game correct?
Larger, complete stand alone game with more content and open world style play than AC2 plus it has a multiplayer aspect as well Gru
I might have to look into this game then, since I enjoyed AC2 so much. First one was good too, but had some drawbacks. Will save up some money/time for this possibly.
AC2BH was awesome, the story sucks you in and drives you to complete it. I didn't even get through 25% of the side quests when I finished the plot. Ofcourse the ending made me want to throw my controller through my TV...
I played the second one and hated it. It took so long to become an assassin and then you fucking lose your sword??! The first was way more fun.
Still working on brother hood ... story is awesome! MY question is, are they bringing to series to a modern day scenario? Seems like that is what they are preparing you for, will all the Desmond mini quests etc etc You know for like AC3 maybe? Gru
I actually like the Desmond plot more to be honest. The Assassins gameplay is more fun, but the storyline is rather average.