* chuckle* already got hit opening day on WAR w/ money sellers PMs suppose it's to be expected though , but wow .. not even 10am pst before they hit : (
I hanv't had that.. .but I am pretty sure I saw an afker leeching pvp points yesterday... they were afk in the starting spot the entire time... I hope there is a system that keeps them from gaining RR from doing that, cause they ruin battlegrounds in WoW...
ack .. that's no good .. I just know when I was in the RvRs I didn't get the ranks unless I had either done damage to the order myself or healed guys doing damage to them .. course ... I usually was solo & not in groups so maybe that would be a difference . but PQs I know I got some here & there when I would be heading in before I did anything though it didn't seem much ... sides .. what fun is that ? Aparantly there must be some pretty spendycash items higher up I didn't get into the Edler closed beta so I haven't been above ermm 10ish heck today ( other than your guys' pic ..grats for the publicity btw ) was the first time I saw a player on a mount ... I was surprised to see the guy selling batches of 100 & 500g ... I was pumped when I made 1g * chuckle * old people rock ! & there must still be some fairly good money making schemes out there . Not that mentioning what they are would be a good idea though . Nothing like letting the weasle out of the bag ......
You had to have played the beta for more than 2 hours to be considered. lol And no, there were no gold farmers in beta, and if they were, they were formulating their strategies for most money the quickest way. And I have yet to *knock on wood* get hit by one so far.
Why don't MMOs have a spam folder like in email? Or they could have a team of GMs that review any mail that contain $ signs or decimals as well as create an email cooldown (for example, limit of 10 PMs for day).