New Members: Q. How old are you? A. Old enough to know better than to answer this question! Over 18/21/30 get the idea .... __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. DAOC {6 years} - former GM of large guild on Pellinor (Hib); Warhammer since beta __ Q. What is the name / class / level of your character(s)? A. Allar for DoK; some derivative form of Allar for alts __ Q. What is the best time(state time zone) to get in contact with you for an interview? A. AZ so I'm on either Mountain or Pacific time depending on time of year. __ Q. Do you have a mic? A. Yes __ Q. Have you been part of any other guilds in WAR? If yes, what guild(s)? A. Originally in beta with Cabal (friends from DAOC), but they have since left game; Took a prolonged break (RL events) and returned last month ....joined AOA since I remembered them from beginning, but they don't seem to be on at the same time I tend to be online. __ Q. Why do you want to join Xen? A. Been running with you guys for the last month and like this form of RVR. Disciplined but fun, lots of banter but can get down to business! And you guys have been leveling my renown ... your guild should get the credit for that! __ Q. Do you have a referal? A. Guess my hubby Arldehacka - least he better give me a good referral or no more heals for him! __