_________________________________________________ New Members: Q. How old are you? A. 27 __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. ive played UO since it came out, Warhammer since b4 the 6-month mark, Guild Wars 4 a little bit, and then various,free MMO's thru the years. __ Q. What is the name / class / level of your character(s)? A. Zherikon(29Zealot) Stranglez(12SH) Razerblayd(38DoK)<---this guy is guild ldr of Gathering of Darkness, after the transfer from ST, my guild got fed up so they moved over 2 Champions. I became guild ldr until my guild decides 2 come bakk, so this guy aint goin nowhere. He can help tho, az hes 200 tali-maker. __ Q. Do you have a mic? A. of course, built in2 my laptop __ Q. Have you been part of any other guilds in WAR? If yes, what guild(s)? A. Gathering of Darkness(ST & Badlands) Greeting our Destiny(Volkmar-order guild) __ Q. Why do you want to join Xen? A. Well, i want 2 be part of a guild that wants/needs my experience and time. I am a very active player. I go 2 college 40hrs/wk, work 30hrs/wk and play WAR about 30-40hrs/wk. I am very dedicated an need a guild that is willing 2 cater 2 that. I can't rely on random players, so id like that extra bit of interaction. I'd like 2 think im a good player and do, but im sure evry1 says that. I wanna be part of something and was until my guild left. I'm tired of all the idiots and ignorant noobs out there, so im looking mainly 4 establishment. it will be hard 2 start @ the low-end again, but id like 2 climb the ranks as quick as possible. I'm more than willing 2 give my all. I really like what XoO stands 4, at least as far as reading can allow. I'd rly like 2 see u guys in action and hopefully find a new home. __ Q. Do you have a referal? A. Lewtzz __
have been trying to contact for 2 days now, please get in touch with 1 of my officer's for a interview. thank you
i have been on, just in broken times...i apologize...daily, i have sent tells 2 Lewtzz...it just seems that i nvr log on wen there is a recruiter active...i have school until 12pm 2day...i will b hm around 1, so i will log on between 1-3pm...i have 2 study 4 2 tests 2morro, so this will be the best time 2 reach me...if no contact in WAR @ that time, i will log back on aftr 7pm 2nyte...just a headz up, my time zone is Central as im located in Chicago...thx(;
if u see this, im signin on 2 WAR now...its 11pm Central...il b loggd on jus 2 talk, prolly on my new BG Grimstryke...