
Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Kristoffer, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. 1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19
    2. Name (Forum & IGN): IRL - Kristoffer IGN - undecided
    3. Location + Timezone: Derbyshire, Britain
    4. Class: undecided
    5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in): i have both
    6. Previous gaming experience: played R.O.S.E beta and when it became F2P, played RF Online fire server as well as POA private server and have been playing the current NA server newest server as an Archon. tried warhammer and wow. played guild wars when it was launched and left before expansions.
    7. Why did you chose XoO: hopefully there will be quite a few people who will play this game fromt he guild who will help to level raid pvp and basically become a guild worth joining.
    8. Do you have a referal?: no
    9. A little bit about yourself: i always try to make my charcater the best it can be.
    10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): i shoul dbe online at least 4-6 hours per day.
    11. Applied to usergroup? will be doing

    I haven't yet tried the Aion beta im looking forward to the servers going live for open beta this weekend in which case ill try and level character and find which one i like best, i did want to try the tank class/melee dps and ranger. although i might try the mages classes as of yet still undecided in which to play.
  2. Applicable

    Jul 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for applying to XoO.

    Eskara or Insho will post sooner or later to say hello and possible arrange a quick meeting/chat in our vent.

    App :)
  3. Eskara
    Veteran FPS Officer

    Jun 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Reservoir Dam Inspector
    Rhayader, UK
    Hey, thanks for the app. Ill PM you vent details so you can hop on sometime when its convenient and we can have a chat about your app :)

    Could you give some rough times as to when you are able to be on vent?

    Also do you have any ideas on what class you might end up playing? As we are trying to balance the number of each class we have at the moment.
  4. i am online now but im waiting for my sis to get ready and im going to derby, i don't know when ill be back but i will definatly get on your vent server later today.

    Otherwise i have no idea about my class, untill tomorrow i wont have played the game, you need "spirit masters" so i'll try that class but i want to see how the summons work. BUT i like to be high dps and the feel of the class so i will hopefully be able to find a class i like in the next beta window.

    Otherwise if you have the NA RFO client installed check Owen server Cora Archons, i'm iSight.
  5. Eskara
    Veteran FPS Officer

    Jun 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Reservoir Dam Inspector
    Rhayader, UK
    Ok, well i need to go out this afternoon and wont be on until this evening. Insho, Icewolf or stenog should be able to chat to you if they are around. If not i'll try catch hold of you later :)