1. Age (18+ Requirement): 14 , son of traktor50 (after agreement) (traktor50 is writing this application) 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Ullion IGN : Have 2 Characters > Miniulli (Assassin) and Ullion (Templar) 3. Location + Timezone: Norway , GMT + 1 4. Class & level (Level 40+ Requirement): Assassin lvl 29 (soon 30) and Templar lvl 34 5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in): Have mic, Ventrill not installed, but will be done. Being on vent and talk english, will be a challenge, but I will probably get help if problems. 6. Previous gaming experience: as my father and also Latest COD and BC 7. Why did you chose XoO: Going from RAS to XoO after invitation. Which IGN to move? Would like the Assassin since armor will surely be better since traktor50 makes armor. Ullion is made for cooperation with traktor50's Sorc and one other from RAS (Assassin lvl 35 > Doo) who cant' play at the moment. 8. Do you have a referal?: Aliaso 9. What will you contribute to the guild? Take part in what comes up. Should be fun. Love PvP. 10. A little bit about yourself: School will have to go before gaming so homework has pri 1. 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 10 to 15 , might be more since we have the weekends. 12. [IMPORTANT] Apply to Aion EU Usergroup:User Control Panel - Usergroups
Thanks for your application, we spoke to your leader and we are happy to let you all join us, i have sent you the vent info, hope to see you in vent soon to finish your application. PM me if any problems with ventrilo, and dont forget to go to your user CP and apply to the aion EU section.