Bad Company 2 Application 1. Are you or have you ever been a member of XoO ? Yep 2. How old are you? 31 3. What is your Battlefield Bad Company 2 IGN ? hopefully dr_jay (still downloading as we speak) 4. Are you interested in competition ? not this time around 5. What ladder or leagues have played in ? TWL for 2142 and CoD 4 6. How many hours a week do you plan on playing Bad Company 2? probably 5-10. Don't have alot of time on my hands. 7. What other FPS games have you played ? Everything from Wolfenstein, Doom, Battlefield 2142, CoD 1-4, Portal, TF2, and a whole bunch of stuff I can't remember. 8. Do you have Ventrillo? Nope but I have Ventrilo. Unless that's a localized spanish version i'm not aware of.