1. Age (18+ Requirement): 24 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Forum: AKARazorback IGN: Barricade 3. Location + Timezone: UK+1 (Amsterdam) 4. Class: Sorcerer 5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in): Yes, to both 6. Previous gaming experience: A lot: MMO's, FPS, RTS. A "quick" overview: Like many people, my online gaming experiences started way back with Counter Strike (1.5 and up), where I ran a ClanBase clan with our own server and teamspeak. I then moved to a game by Sony Online Entertainment called PlanetSide, which is an futuristic fps mmo, maybe you have heard of it. If you have not, shame on you In PlanetSide I ran an outfit (guild) of 160 members with around 60-80 online every night with around 40 on voice. Voice, being able to speak, not just listen, was required for higher ranks. After that I played WoW, starting 3 weeks after game launch. Here I also created a guild in which we had around 120 members, voice required of course. We ran succesfully for a few months, but being a pvp'er I later disbanded the guild because of WoW's PvE focus. From then on I have been giving advice to friendly guilds on communication and organisation throughout my time in WoW. Class-wise I played a Warrior untill 60 (before tBC) which I later levelled to 70. A Mage untill 60 (before tBC) and a Palladin untill 70 as well (tBC), as well as multiple classes passed 40. With both the Warrior and Mage I got to rank 9 or 10 in the old PvP system, tanked all major end game stuff pre-tBC and with my Palladin I've tanked all heroic's in tBC (I strongly disliked raiding in WoW, for various reasons). Other games I have played extensively: Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Red Alert 3. 7. Why did you chose XoO: I noticed a movie put out by XoO on WeGame, went over to the website out of curiosity and noticed by looking around that XoO seems to operate along the same values I find important in an online gaming community. 8. Do you have a referal?: Unfortunately, no. 9. A little bit about yourself: During my CS/ PS and pre-tBC WoW days I used to play up to 20 hours a day when it got crazy, but I'm a lot, lot more mellow now and try and keep gaming as healthy hobby/ passion instead of an obsession. I have quit WoW a long time ago, coming back every now and again of course, but Aion seems to pull me back into the MMO realm once again. I played the Closed Beta's and so far I'm loving the game. In other games my focus has always been to create fun, mature and competitive gaming environments for competent, communicative players who are looking for more then just 'Phat Lewt' and 'OMG EPIX', so that the members can enjoy an experience hardly found anywhere else - without creating elitist pricks. However I see success as a part of fun so they go hand in hand for me. Now that I am not as fanatic and obsessed as I used to be I'm looking for a place that operates along those same lines so that, where possible, my experience can contribute to the team. For example PlanetSide has taught me much about communication: as you had multiple 100+ member Outfits on Teamspeak, in the thick of real time fps pvp battles across 12 different continents, it required an organisation hardly found anywhere else. And oh, I am a (world) PvP'er, but enjoy taking a break from that by doing instances to strengthen teamplay 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Depends on multiple factors: from the vibe within the guild to how much time my Uni will take up as well as my other life interests, but knowing my previous game times this shouldn't be anything to worry about. 11. Applied to usergroup? Will do after this post
Great application, I've PM'd you ventrilo details, if you could come on vent for a quick interview. Thanks.