So I have this idea... and I have not a clue where to even begin with it. What little I read about.. I need a patent.. maybe even a prototype? lolwut? Anyone have any thoughts or if you have personal experience with getting something off the ground would be better to give me advice? Thanks!
I could get you contact details for an inventor based in England, he's managed to make quite a few inventions himself and market them. Haven't spoken to the guy who currently has contact with him for a while mind, but I should be able to track him down if you want his number. Edit, one thing I will say is don't go telling other people your idea if you think they might try and patent it before you. Otherwise they essentially stole your idea and the money you would have earned.
be wary of so called invention patent submission companies. DO lots of a lawyer...
It really depends on what type of invention. If it is, say, a electronic device you can start the coding (if you're using a microprocessor) and work with a development board. Then after you are successful there you can draw up some PCB schematics and get it made. Then its just a long road of testing and improving.
My brother-in-law got a patent for the golf cart he and his brother built, I'll shoot him an email to ask what they had to do to get it protected.