I've been playing a lot of the last few weeks, just wondering whether any of my you guys are active at all. If so friend me, name is Domnuts
wow long time no see... I myself never got into 2142 honestly. At the time my computer would not run it. I think I might have it around here somewhere. But Spectre I think still plays in the BF series from time to time.
Hey Dom. Long time no see. I'm not really playing much right now...Mostly waiting for AA3 and BF3 to come along.
I play but the fact it doesnt let me use widescreen mode kind of annoys me. Also it seems to get finicky when I alt tab which is a death blow for how much I play a game.
I think you're on my list but I no longer play. I was thinking about throwing it on my laptoop and giving it a go but never got around to it. Also my super awesome gaming mouse took a dump so no FPS games for me for a long time. Not that I played them much anymore anyway. I need to wait for my replacement from logitech This was probably one of the best online FPS games I have played since RS3 and UT for xbox years and years ago.
Yea.. well.. I'm married now and the wifey has a couple boys, so that along with my full time job kinda keep me busy. I only play BF cause I can pick it up, play for 20 minutes, and turn it off. Can't do that with most other online games =/ Here's a pic of the boss lady & I on our honeymoon in Savannah, GA last year.. http://tinyurl.com/c28tku (yes I've gotten fat as hell)
geeze dom, long time man.. last I remember ya we were still joking about your chicken incident in MC and obscuring your face with Helm of Wrath!