The game just released today on Steam, as a free-to-play space shooter. Graphics look pretty sweet, but I haven't tried it yet. Will give it a go on the weekend. Here's some gameplay:
Got around to playing it. Great game so far. Looks beautiful. As a warning, do NOT use inverted Y axis. I normally fly with inverted Y axis, but it just doesn't work well in this game, because the same mouse controlling your ship also controls your main gun, which moves independently of your ship. Also, the game is not really an MMO as advertised. You jump in and out of games. Oh, and I'm playing as Jericho (faction), but I don't think faction selection has any significant bearing on the game, other than the skills and ships you get to unlock.
Its map based just as World of Tanks is. As a matter of fact, its pretty much a WoT clone in space =]
That's interesting. I never tried WoT because I frickin hate tanks. I'm forced to use them in BF3 and PS2, and that's about enough on my platter.
I've been playing Star Conflict in beta for a while and You are better off playing War Thunder. It's the same people and the game is much more balanced and a lot more fun to me. I love space games but sometimes in star conflict it just gets stupid if one team is turtling with long range lasers. It happens a lot more at higher levels. Plus match making is so annoying later in the day. A t1 has zero chance at killing anything higher so you have to hope you get with people your own level and so on. War Thunder balances this a lot better with tier levels due to turning rates and overall speeds. Yes you can get one shot by higher teirs but if they play bad and you good then you have a nice chance at taking them out.
Haven't heard of War Thunder, but the setting/theme of the game can turn off those attracted to space shooters. But still, I'll give War Thunder a shot because although it will feel different from Star Conflict, I still like WWII-era games. Do you still play Star Conflict though? You can add me: Star Conflict name: Ruebius Steam ID (for those that don't have me): rubisama
We have a group of about 8 people who are playing War Thunder throughout the day, usually in the evening. It's an incredibly fun game and I personally love the WWII era. My only real complaint is that group size is limited to 2 unless the squad leader has a premium account, then it gets bumped to a total of 4. I highly recommend War Thunder.
It is pretty excellent. It's like World of Tanks, but with space ships and better thought out. I currently piss people off with my Saboteur