Age (18+ Requirement): 29 Name (IGN): Antonius Class: Cleric Level (lvl 35+ requirement): 42 Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes, I have ventrilo and a mic/headset. Previous gaming experience: Lots! EQ1 65 Shaman, 65 Beastlord, 59 Druid, FFXI 75 Red Mage, EQ2 50 Warden, 80 Brigand, WoW 70 Priest, 70 Rogue, 70 Paladin, 65 Hunter, Warhammer 40 Warrior Priest, 40 Bright Wizard. I also played(but not so extensively) LotR Online, Lineage 2, Guild Wars, Eve, Star Wars Galaxies, and countless other free to play MMO's that I can't recall of the top off my head. Why did you choose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:? I've done some asking around and grouping with XoO the general consensus is XoO is a mature, respectful, fun community with a focus on pvp. This is what I am looking for in a guild and maturity is an absolute must for me. I feel I would be an excellent fit. I'm also a mature and respectful gamer(though have been known to have an odd sense of humor) with a primary focus on pvp and rising to the top on Zikel with like-minded players. I am polite, never vulgar, never out of line in game and I expect the same from the people I game with(for the most part). What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member? I pride myself in my healing ability(not going to lie). I love to help folks whenever possible. Running lowbies through quests, assisting guildmates with instance runs, pesky asmo, running guildmates through quests even if I've completed them. I love to give advice(when I can), and I do not find any question too "newbie" or too petty to answer. I love playing support roles. This is what I do best. I find I am selfless at times, willing to put aside whatever I may be doing to assist folks(even non guildmates) whenever possible. I am also an expert armorsmith(420) with many expert patterns. I offer my crafting services free of charge. I do not expect tips from friends or guildmates. I am always available for siege calls, exp grinding, you name it. My extensive knowledge of healing classes gives me an edge in pvp and pve. I pride myself in my courteous behavior in game which reflects upon whichever guild I am in. I follow orders given without question. I am great at following the tactics given in pvp and pve and always do my homework before encountering a raid/named mob or raid instance. IRL does come first for me, but my play time is well over 30+ hours per week. If I'm in the guild you will never be short on healing. Do you have a referal?: I do not, but I do have a friend(Treehorse) who recently joined XoO I will see if he is willing to refer me. A little bit about yourself: Well, I work part time in claims so I have a lot of patience and empathy for people. I'm a caregiver for my handicapped mother who I'm trying to get into gaming with me. I enjoy biking in the summer, skiing in the winter(hehe) Trying not to make this sound like a bio on e-harmony. Basically, I'm an all around nice guy who games for the competition and social interaction. I'm mature, non elitest, never look down on folks no matter how "newbie" they may be. I pride myself on helping those newcomers and welcoming them to the community. Activity Level? (hrs/week - 30hrs min): More than 30 hrs per week presently. 30 would be a minimum. I am most active in game between 6pm and 4am eastern time. Apply to usergroup: Done.