1. Age (18+ Requirement): 23 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Kinan Eldari / Kinan 3. Location + Timezone: the Netherlands. +1 GMT 4. Class: Assassin 5. Do you have vent and a mic?: yes and yes. 6. Previous gaming experience: MMO-wise: Planetside, WoW, AoC, WAR. FPS-wise (mainly): Unreal Tournament 1, BF2 & BF2142, CoD4 7. Why did you chose XoO: My best friends. 8. Do you have a referal?: AKADoshan and AKARazorback. 9. What will you contribute to the guild? Thus far I am a decent assassin and I'm currently in CoD4 clan (no worries, I won't be multiclanning) in which I am currently a co-leader, so I can handle responsibility. I'm generally a decent guy and I can run groups if necessary. 10. A little bit about yourself: I always do have trouble talking about myself, as I don't like bragging. Although I wouldn't call myself humble. I mean, every Elyos out there is going to be getting a good look at my boots up close in the end, but that's because I know what I'm doing. An arrogant statement, probably, although I like to think of it as confidence in my own abilities. Beyond that, I'm a headstrong kind of player that loves to get in the thick of the fight and blow a couple faces off. As far as social interaction goes, I don't think I'll be in the large vent room very often, but I'm definitely a chatterbox when in a single group chat. Lastly, I have a weird sense of humour that either makes you groan or or grin, but we'll have to see about that in the end, won't we? 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): I'm on for about 2 hours a day at least. Probably more during the weekends. If the waiting lines aren't getting the way. 12. Applied to usergroup? As I was told by AKADoshan, that apparently is Aion (EU)
Good you finally came 'round man. You already have the vent details from when you were a guest at launch night, I suppose. If you don't, I'll make sure to send them to you again and we can have a chat when me and one of the other officers are present. ~ Barricade