Just bought this game on steam (Currently on sale today) It is awesome. I have not played such a great horror game in a long long time and its refreshing to have a game that actually does scare you. Very highly recommended.
Agreed. I made a review for this closer to when it came out - http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18473 Pretty much everyone I know that's played it found it to be the scariest game played. I hope that they do a little more with the story in any future games like this.
There are three conditions to terrify someone. 1) The Monster cannot speak. 2) The Monster must be unidentifiable. 3) Its pointless if the Monster can die. its *really* simple. and not terribly hard. but its amazing how many get it wrong. Amnesia gets it horribly right ^^
It really is a great game, genuinely scary and amazingly fun. But not as good as Rectettear. Aww yeah.
haha, its weird cause i was playing this just two days ago (and watching my friend play it last night). I love the sanity effects but i do have to say, Daniel gets freaked out a wee bit too much =[ (and then when i somehow manage to get freaked out his sanity is above normal -_-)