League of Legends ApplicationHow old are you? 24 In-Game Name? fdf Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Previous Gaming Experience: ive been playing DotA for years. ive also played HoN since the beta. Why did you choose XoO: i thought this would be a good way to play organized LoL since i hate pugs so much. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? because i know i can get along with you guys since im already part of the TOR division. What will you contribute to the guild? i have a very diverse playstyle. i have a few tanks i can play as well as a few ad champs, but what i like most is ap characters. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? im part of the ToR division of Xoo A little bit about yourself? i live in quebec city and i work in a convenience store while i go to univesity which i start probably in may. Activity level? 20+ Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the LoL usergroup? Yes
katarina, amumu, karma, shen, leblanc, maokai,kass are those im rly good with. anivia, annie, caitlyn, cho'gath, ezreal, lux, malzahar, morgana, nasus, pantheon, sona, tristana, xin zhao are heros that im good with but not as good as my mains.
I understand that you are part of ToR, I am not sure how things are ran there, but I would of appreciated seeing a better written application. When we ask your previous gaming experience, please be more specific. So you played HoN and Dota, well so have I. But if I were to be asked the same question, I would have gotten more specific, I would of mentioned that I was in Cal League representing XoO, that our division went nearly undefeated, that I prefer tank class characters. Anything more then what you provided. At this time I am going to ask that you resubmit another application, with a little more thought put into it. I do hope that you understand.