League of Legends ApplicationHow old are you? 22 In-Game Name? Akildah Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Previous Gaming Experience: Diablo 2 - Played a long time ago. My best was probably a 93 hardcore PVP necromancer. Ragnarok Online - Played semi-competitively. My guild was pretty small but as a SinX, I was able to take castles from time to time solo. I also played professor and high priest occasionally. Starcraft - Played casually with friends. World of Warcraft - My most notable achievement is being a troll mage in Exodus on Kel'Thuzad (now on Ysondre), back before WoTLK. We competed competitively for world firsts. If new content had been released, we would start raiding noon PST and go until 1-2am. This would continue until the new content had been cleared. We got M'uru world first and top 5 for most of SWP bosses. Even though I raided mainly on my mage, I have experience healing as a priest and tanking as a druid. Any free time left would be spent on grinding consumables for raid and doing arena. I had gladiators on three characters. My mage had 2100+ in 2s and 2300+ in 5s. My rogue had 2100+ in 2s and 3s. My druid had 2300+ in 2s and 2200+ in 3s. I quit shortly before WoTLK came out due to some real life issues. Atlantica Online - Played casually, hitting level 105, quitting because I could not find a decent guild to join. Aion - I was the main tank and Templar class lead for Condemned. I was one of the first Templars on the server to hit level 50 and the first Templar to complete the Miragent set. My party (Conris being one of them) was able to attain an A rank in DP before the first nerf one month after release. However, due to a lack of dedicated members in Condemned and a server unbalance, our legion slowly fell apart and I no longer found the motivation to continue playing. Starcraft II - Play casually. I'm a Platinum ranked player but didn't feel like climbing the ladder. I do play a lot of Desert Strike though. Why did you choose XoO: I am currently under review for the Tera division of XoO and was happy to find that there was a LoL division as well. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I have a good sense of what I should and should not be doing. I take criticism very well and adjust my play accordingly. What will you contribute to the guild? I can play various roles. I main Ashe, Mordekaiser, and Kassadin. I'm currently working on my Irelia and Rammus jungles. I have around 450 wins and currently ranked 1500. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? - A little bit about yourself? I'm Asian and currently studying Environmental Science in college. It's a pretty laid-back major so I have a lot of free time to myself. I'm a perfectionist and I must do things to the best of my ability. Activity level? 30+ hours/week at minimum Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the LoL usergroup? Yes