The second anniversary of Aion is here and in honor of this momentous occasion Aion is holding the Two Year Anniversary Celebration in conjunction with Account Reactivation from September 22nd, 2011 to October 1st, 2011! Players who had inactive accounts that were in good standing on or before September 14th 2011 at 12:00am PDT is eligible for reactivation. To further celebrate, all of the monsters in Atriea will be loaded heavy with loot and provide the adventuring Daeva extra experience in their combat through the inclusion of the Double Drops and Double XP event running the entirety of the festival. In addition to the already loaded festival, Aion is celebrating with the Ascension Festival event which will reward Daevas for staying in Atriea and participating in the two year anniversary activities. For this event every 20 minutes you are online you will collect a Ascension Energy Token that you trade in for fun prizes. More information on the Ascension Festival can be found at: During the span of the Two Year Anniversary and Reactivation Event, the community team will be holding daily contests for assorted dye packs and costumes on the forums. Some possible prizes include items such as white, black and pink dyes along with costumes like the Sailor and Fall Outfits. Finally, every player who signs on during the celebration will receive a survey each day containing gifts to help you celebrate Aion's second birthday. These surveys do stack! So if you miss a day you can always go back the next to claim your reward! More information of the Two Year Anniversary Festival can be found at: tl;dr version: Come back and play Aion for free! Reactivation Surveys: * September 22nd, 2011: Inquin Pet * September 23rd, 2011: Ascension Energy x50 * September 24th, 2011: 15 Day Recovery Serum x1 * September 25th, 2011: Enchantment Stone Box x1 * September 26th, 2011: Major Ancient Crown x3 * September 27th, 2011: MYSTERY GIFT * September 28th, 2011: Felicitous Socketing Supplements x2 (Eternal or Fabled) * September 29th, 2011: Manastone Bundle x3 * September 30th, 2011: [Emotion Card] Hug Me * October 1st, 2011: 30 Day Title [4% Attack Speed, 4% Cast Speed, 4% Run speed] * October 2, 2011 (post reactivation): 3 Major Ancient Crowns, Enchantment Stone Box and your choice of: 5 Platinum Medals, 10 Gold Medals, or 10 Silver Medals
If you're thinking of reactivating or even remotely considering it on whimsy please check out my thread to find some of the changes and things awaiting you.
No need to check the thread, simply consider the fact that I came back. I mean if that's not reason enough to get your stinkin' butts in game, then I don't know what is!
All patches/expansions with Aion have historically been free. They implemented the long-awaited mentor system. I wish all MMOs would start with a mentor system - but anyway, it's just what the name implies. Any character 10 levels above you can "mentor" you as if they were an equal level member of your group.
The expansion that up'd the level cap is free as well? :O I haven't done my research. Looks like the activation is about to end though, I JUST got my activation email. unch:
I didn't even know about the reactivation event. I simply intended to try Aion again, using a trial account and new character, but thought I should try logging into my old account first for some reason. To my surprise, I got in, and I flipped out! I thought they forgot to cancel my sub or something from 2 years ago, LOL! The day I decided to try Aion again was the first day of the 2-year anniversary. Funny how that worked.
I have to say one of the best things I have seen is the sense of community with all the aion folks. All kinds of fun is had in channel as well as in game.