Aion NA Soars to Rank 18!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kitsune, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. This week, we are happy to report that Aion NA has seized the #18 position in the Abyss Ranking chart for the top Elyos Legions!


    We would like to thank everyone for doing their best to collect Contribution Points for the legion, including but not limited to the following activities: Fort Sieges, Gelkmaros Raiding, Abyssal Splinter Quests, Upper Fort Runs and Radiant Ops turn-ins.

    We should all be proud of our hard work that is continuing to make XoO one of the top Elyos legions on the Zikel server!
  2. yay for us!! rank 17 is comming soon baby!! <333
  3. YAY! this is amazing! Congrats to everyone!
  4. AbsTract

    AbsTract Guest

    i miss aion, maybe ill start playing it again lol. Grats on getting to 18 guys keep it up ^.^
  5. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

  6. Awesome job guys !
  7. Keep pushing upwards Aion (NA)!
  8. Grats folks,
  9. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    well done peeps ! great job :)
  10. Good job Aion. Keep up making us look good :)
  11. late to say, but congrats. You'll overtake hello kitty nation soon enough :)
  12. Congrats, all! Great job!
  13. Grats guys! nice to c XoO doing good in allmost every game now
  14. Woot. What an awesome group of people I get to play with everyday..

    (better if some of them would actually let me "play" with them)