Age (18+ Requirement): 32 in May will be an embarassing 33 Name (IGN): Diemos Class: Chanter Level (lvl 40+ requirement): 40 will be 41 by the time anyone reads this. Do you have vent and a mic?: yep, but my mike sucks Previous gaming experience: everquest from 1998 to 2003, Aoc (god that sucked) with hammerfist clan, WAR with Hammerfist till 2008 RUIN till 2008 moved to AION ... RUIN disentegrated without Archaos.... Why did you choose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:? if you guys like owning both PVE and PVP with good friends and a little drunk Venting I'm your man! What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member? I love to craft. Though somewhat of an altaholic aion has broken me of that (thank you grind) i am 399 alch .. yay pots.. and soon to be 400+ handicrafting .. and i promise i will always crack you up in vent. Do you have a referal?: not really though i did game with Odium Tweedle and Thrax in Ruin A little bit about yourself: Actuary (yea i know dull) but i am into anything physical (all sports) video games and drinkin' only 75% irish but im trying to make up for that lost 25% Activity Level? (hrs/week - 30hrs min): proally about 20-30 hrs a week Apply to usergroup: ?? not sure i understand usegroup I really like this game and i plan on being around a while... RUIN has decided not to have much of a presence here so i want to be with a group that will actually get noticed. I am not going to be one of the top players but you will never regret that i am here. and on top of that my RL name is Adam West ... come on who can say no to Batman! Thanks Adam ~ Diemos