1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Jacob 3. Class:Sorcerer 4. Do you have vent and a mic?:Yes and Yes 5. Previous gaming experience:RF-Online(1st and best mmo ive played =P) Perfect World International, Eve Online 21 day demo, Runes of Magic, Last Chaos, T4C 6. Why did you chose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:I chose XoO becaause i played with you guys on RF, and even though i joined you a couple months before the server shut down i found that this guild is filled with fun, friendly, helpful and hxc gamers that make noobs like me feel included ^_^ 7. What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member: Uhm, I pretty much do whatever is needed, I have no problem lending a hand while in-game, im usually the one just chatting in faction chat while grinding or gathering and lending a hand whenever someone needs it. 8. Do you have a referal?:I dont know if this could be considered as a referal because i havent asked him but Shakkounette (sp) did tell me to join! LOL. and Th3mon1c might speek for me, If ScionofBalance3 ever stops having a life then he might be able to vouche for me too. And Senrai called me gay...does that count? =] 9. A little bit about yourself: Well im 19, Uhm, im an assistant manager at a dollar store WOOO. I am an avid gamer, started with city building games and moved on to RPG, Once i like something i dedicate my free time to it until i am the best i can be at it. I am a tech geek, Worked in a tech office for 3 years, Upgrading my comp in 2 week woo! I like to joke and socialize ALOT. Im nice, and i understand that these are just games, we play them to have fun with people around the world and make friendships, not cause drama over pixelated bad bads lol. 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week):I get out of work, get online and play till my eyes feel like lead =P. So i would say.....Alooootttt. 11. Apply to usergroupunno what this means ^_^
welcome to the fold, old members only need to apply to the usergroup. Also, check out this page. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9051 ACCEPTED