Shit i missed it... hell i dont even have yalls vent info... Back in my day *old man voice* yall were on teamspeak. Mind PMing me vent info? Thanks
doesn't show you in a group. What divisiona re you currently in or were a part of? The info is sticked in the members area. If you cannot access that then I would send a PM to your division leader to get that sorted out. The aion section has the vent recording and the chat text.
Shit..I missed it, but it really doesn't matter to me which race you guys choose. I just want to kill people.
any who there a AION section in the XoO forums at the bottom of the website, if anyone have any questions plz ask there or PM me and ill try to get you questions answered asap
I would need my vent authorized I guess. I can't access the vent. Any ways , so I will roll Asmodian then for this CB #4?
Appreciate it. So I'll make it tomorrow. I also told my cousin to join in the game, but he probably wont with the clan? Not sure.
If my mind serves me correctly 'Roger Wilco' is an old radio term that means message 'received' and 'will compile'. From what little military radio operator training I have received, using both together is considered redundant. 'Roger' meaning having 'received' the message, and 'Wilco' that means 'will compile' with the message. So we were always told to either say one or the other, not both. Also, only a command officer of a unit can reply 'Wilco', as no one else within a military command is able to say whether or not the order will be complied with. Additionally, 'Roger' was part of the old phonetic alphabet (able, baker, charlie...) and was used for the letter 'R'. Thus rather than saying 'message received', one just said 'Roger'. 'Romeo' is the new designation for 'R' (alpha, bravo, charlie...). However, 'Roger' or 'Roger that' seems to be an old hangover that just never went away after the change over. Sorry, just thought I would throw that out there [shrugs].