The second meeting will be on Friday - 24th @ 7:30PM EST. We will be discussing the final things on what race we should be rolling so we can finally start to really recruit people. We will be going over classes, what people are picking up, what we will need, and what would be best. We will be taking names for Officer positions and XO. As far as CO you should send a PM to dash. Discussing the idea of class guru which would be the primary people who will be able to guide new players through their class roles and show people which roles to take and which gear and stats to min/max according to what the guild has for best performance. Alliances, who we have considered, and if anyone has any they would like to mention. We will try and formulate a plan on how to go about finding a good alliance, or creating one. Discussion of what we intend to accomplish and what the guild goals are for this division as well as our role in the game PvE/PvP related. Recruitment standards, what can be done to improve recruitment, and boost the general population of the division, including new members and exisiting. Events, what types can we have. What kind of events would you like to see? DKP, yes? no? What type of system should be in place for our members. Crafting, who will be interested in crafting, how should we handle money transfers, and how best to manage crafting. Money, how best to gather money for the guild. Re-posted this so everyone could see this. If your having problems accessing the members area or getting on ventrilo please contact me via PM.
I should be on for the meeting, not 100% sure though work might conflict. cant wait to play with you guys again
Might be a little late.. Have to go pick up a table since I'm the only friend out of our group with a truck.
Can someone post the meeting minutes (what was discussed/decided)? that would be helpful for new applicants and folks who could not attend. thanks