1. Age (18+ Requirement): Older then 18 possibly older then dirt. 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Deadduck in the forum Canwyr, Draigcanyr ingame 3. Class: Spiritmaster and Chanter 4. Do you have vent and a mic?:Vent not at the moment can get Mic yes 5. Previous gaming experience: Ohh good lord can we leave it at everything or do you really need the list? LOL 6. Why did you chose XoO: Because I have always been XoO at heart since we started on Emerald in Planetside. We still have all those movies laying around? 7. Do you have a referal?: Urm... Dash will you refer me? 8. A little bit about yourself: I've been in gaming for a long time, having been in uniformed service I tend to like working with in martial structures. I love roleplaying and try to get into the environment in the game.. I claim no such devotion however in Vent its just too much fun to enjoy good company in voice chat. I was with XoO back in the days when it was young as one of its pilots and spec ops teams.