1. Age (18+ Requirement): 23 2. Name: IRL: Jens, Forum: m0lly, IGN: Aerlin 3. Location + Timezone: Exeter UK -00:00 GMT 4. Class: Assassin 5. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes 6. Previous gaming experience: I have played WoW mainly as far as MMORPGS goes. I havent played WoW since WoTLK came out but Aion is a game that I am really looking forwards to playing. 7. Why did you chose XoO: I heard from a friend that XoO would be a pvp oriented guild and that is what I am looking to get from the game. 8. Do you have a referal?: Icewolf 9. A little bit about yourself: Im a university student from Sweden studying in the UK. Thus I will not be able to get to my gaming rig until I get back to university just about the time that Aion goes live. Other than MMORPGS I enjoy training, music and just hanging out. 10. Activity Level?: a couple hours a day at least depending on lectures and work. 11. Applied to usergroup?: Yes
Not a bad application m0lly, thank you for you interest in XoO ^^ An officer will respond shortly to your application - Things are alittle busy with the open beta as im sure you are aware Best of luck - Kazzier.