New Members: Q. How old are you? A. 37 and feeling it __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. EQ1, EQ2, Guild Wars, and WHO (some older ones before that) __ Q. What is the name / class / level of your character(s)? A. Tandaar, 23 DoK is my main right now, also have Tylia, 40 Witch Elf __ Q. Do you have a mic? A. Yep! __ Q. Have you been part of any other guilds in WAR? If yes, what guild(s)? A. Was with Cabal until we decided to merge with XoO __ Q. Why do you want to join Xen? A. We looked around as a guild for a home with similar values and playstyle as us, and found XoO to be a great match. __ Q. Do you have a referal? A. Molz is my GL from Cabal Thanks for having us on board! __