So a couple of us have started to play the F2P game "Star Conflict" (through Steam). Great dogfighting game with absolutely stunning graphics at no cost to anyone. This game will help brush up your space dogfighting skills and will also allow us to build up our teamwork and get to know each other better. If you've played the game in the past, but didn't like how it was balanced, then it's much better now. They've made lots of great balance changes. Here's some gameplay: We play on the Jericho faction.
I was going to bring up War Thunder. Its not space but its amazing and great for dogfighting and working as a group. I've already got SC installed so I'll find you guys sometime this weekend.
I think I might hop in and play this at some point, if I can drag myself away from Payday 2 and Assassin's Creed IV. What is the gameplay like? is it sort of short-matched versus games like War Thunder/World of Tanks/Warplanes, etc.? Also, can you suicide into other people in case there's pvp? Because that's my number one issue with WT/WoWP.
Yes, it's short matches 10v10 or something like that. There is ship collision but it only causes damage, not a kill, unless one is low on health. However if you collidge into a ship much bigger than yourself, then yes you blow up. Having said that, collisions are a non-issue as the scale of the map is so large and the average distance between a dogfight is pretty wide.