Or will i have to upgrade ? I'm thinking about it for when i move houses. If not, Pascal / skylake should bring much better perfs around the end of summer ?
Yeah well i doubt a 970 could run a 2x4k monitor setup lol, i'll wait for the benchmarks on Valkyrie once OR and Vive are released
Claiming ignorance here is VR gaming include the Oculus Rift and other hardware? I would imagine the card would be powerful enough to do it give its power.
We wont have a single card solution able to drive dual 4K displays until 2017 sometime. And with VR you want 90 frames per second minimum otherwise you will run into motion sickness issues. With current VR headset resolutions though this is how it currently stands: So it depends on the game but honestly I would say 980Ti would be minimum GPU to use for VR if you want to be able to play pretty much any game alright.