* Race: Asmodians * Server: Perento 1. Age (18+ Requirement):21 2. Name (Forum & IGN):Quoth on Forum, Nevermores IGN 3. Location + Timezone: UK Yorkshire GMT 4. Class & level (Level 40+ Requirement): 46 Sorc 5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in): Yes both working 6. Previous gaming experience: -Played RF Online for around 1 Year before it went Free to play got to around lv 48 as a Templar. -Warcraft, Played Since Beta, and raided all content with various LV80 chars. - Various FPS Titles: Killing Floor, COD, TF2, BF2, CS 7. Why did you chose XoO:Seen the name in a few games iver played and appears to be a solid Guild witha good playerbase and reputation. 8. Do you have a referal?: Yes, Alias (Aliaso) 9. What will you contribute to the guild?: Clipping Elyos Wings, Farming AP and Helping out groups which need the CC 10. A little bit about yourself: I am a 21 Year Old student currently studying at Leeds Met for IT Networking Diploma, I enjoy a range of things like Anime, Manga, Music, Games, Paintballing. I can take a joke and like to have a laugh but can be serious when needed. Never really good at these types of things so sorry if its a bit brief. 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Around 4-8 Hoursa day Min unless have prior arrangement. usally 4pm GMT+. Not on until around 10pm GMT+ on Wed.