1. Age (18+ Requirement): 23 2. Name (IGN): Reemi 3. Class: Ranger 4. Level (lvl 35+ requirement): 40 5. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes 6. Previous gaming experience:Yes, World of Warcraft, Warhammer,Everquest 1 and 2, Guild Wars, and Perfect World. World of Warcraft Lvl 70 Hunter, 70 Paladin. Warhammer I did not play that much manage to make a lvl 40 Witch Elf. Everquest was the start of my adventure into MMOs I played it when Ruins of Kunark had just came out, First expansion and have been playing them ever since. Level 70 Necromancer, 70 Warrior, 70 Shaman, in the old days i ran 3 Accounts and played them all at once had my self up soloing Kael with my 3 Account guys so i am very well organized in my gaming. 7. Why did you choose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:? When i play these games i like to go for the gold to be honest. You guys have shown a high level of power in game as of now. I would really like to be a part of that. 8. What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member? I offer the ability of my Tailoring Expert as of first. My knowledge of MMos and my Time i place into the game. I will be available for most if not all raids and will give my all and be a fun love nice player. I will also help anyone in need of help. I will also give any knowledge that i may share with my raid, seige, and pvp knowledge with other players. 9. Do you have a referal?: Aeterum 10. A little bit about yourself: My real name is Steven. I really enjoy MMOs and tend to try to achieve a high level of popularity with other players. I also am a very friendly person. In personal life I love all kinds of music and play a guitar. I have high dreams for my future and plan on one day accomplishing them. I live in the south and dont really like it hear. I've been though a lot of hard times in my life but still hold strong and love to play games 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week - 30hrs min): Hate to say it but more than 50 Hours a week 12. Apply to usergroup