Other (not listed) 2016 Annual Xen Awards! Go vote!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by DARKTIDE!!, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Varitas
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, BC
    Best new game for 2017 and beyond!

    Helpful Posters award of 2016
    Darktide, Ironjaw

    Most contributive member of 2016

    Favorite leader of 2016

    Favorite poster of 2016

    Popularity award of 2016

    Top Posters award of 2016
    DARKTIDE!!, Ani, Ironjaw, Arc
  2. Nikki_Nineshots
    Member Crowfall Member

    Oct 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Most contributive member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)
    Cattitudes, Darktide, Jardaan, Nok, Satyrn, Darvos, Iron, Mys.

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)
    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)
    Cattitudes, Darvos, Ringsnow

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (your favorite posters of 2016)
    Ironjaw, Darktide, Lob

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (your favorite recruits of 2016)

    Rulfnor, Beezy, Rosalee, Zero
    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)
  3. Cattitude
    Guest Black Desert Member

    Apr 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Most contributive member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)
    Darvos, Ironjaw, Efitall, Darktide, Arcanmene

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)
    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)
    Ironjaw (BDO), Darktide, Darvos (BDO)

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (your favorite posters of 2016)
    Ironjaw, Darktide, Darvos, Acorn, Efitall

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (your favorite recruits of 2016)
    Nikkie (BDO), Mysspelled (BDO), Darvos (BDO)

    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)
    CastyWho (BDO), Sway (BDO), Tiranis (BDO), Darvos (BDO), Darktide, Ironjaw (BDO)

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw, Eftiall, Arcanmene

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)
    Darktide, Darvos, Ironjaw, Arcanmene

    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)
    Darvos, Ironjaw, Mysspelled, Ringsnow, Nok, Jardaan, Acorn

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)

    Ironjaw, Darvos, Mysspelled

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (either on the forums or in-game)

    Darktide, Ironjaw, Ringsnow, Darvoss, Nok, Jardaan

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)

    Nikkie, Mysspelled, Darvos, Vedder, Daywalker, Ringsnow
  4. Darvos
    Veteran CO

    Aug 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Most contributor member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)
    Ironjaw, Efitall, Darktide, Cattitudes

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)
    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)
    Ironjaw (BDO), Darktide, Cattitudes(BDO)

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (your favorite posters of 2016)
    Ironjaw, Darktide, Efitall

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (your favorite recruits of 2016)
    Nikki (BDO), Mysspelled (BDO), Vedder (BDO),

    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)
    CastyWho (BDO), Sway (BDO), Tiranis (BDO), Ironjaw (BDO), Seojun(BDO), Cattitudes(BDO)

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw, Efitall

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw, Cattitudes, Efitall

    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)
    Ironjaw, Mysspelled, Ringsnow, Nok, Jardaan, Cattitudes,

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)
    Ironjaw, Mysspelled, Cattitudes, Satyrn

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (either on the forums or in-game)
    Ironjaw, Ringsnow, Nok, Jardaan, Venom, Cattitudes

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)
    Nikki, Mysspelled, Vedder, Daywalker, Ringsnow, Kitzy
  5. DaywalkerDes

    Aug 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Most contributive member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)
    Darvos, Mys, Ironjaw

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)
    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)
    Darvos, Ironjaw, Darktide (all BDO)

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (your favorite posters of 2016)
    uh... i have no clue

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (your favorite recruits of 2016)
    Beezy, Ramen, Ringsnow, Mys

    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)
    Vedder, Cattitudes, Ringsnow, Mys, Hazzlett, AntiRamen

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)
    - beats me

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)
    - i just ask peeps, instead of reading peeps.... i know, i both suck and blow

    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)
    Darvos, Ironjaw, Mysspelled, Ringsnow

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)
    Ironjaw, Darvos, Mysspelled

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (either on the forums or in-game)
    Darvos, Cattitudes, Ringsnow, Mys, Lobslevith

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)
    Vedder, Ringsnow, Nikki, Beezy, Kitzy, Venom
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  6. Venom722

    Aug 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Most contributor member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)
    Ringsnow, Ironjaw, Darvos

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)
    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)
    Ironjaw(BDO), Darktide(BDO), Darvos(BDO)

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (your favorite posters of 2016)
    Ironjaw, Darktide,

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (your favorite recruits of 2016)

    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)
    Ringsnow, Mysspelled, Kitzy

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw, Efitall

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw

    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)
    Mysspelled, Ringsnow, Cattitudes

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)
    Ironjaw, Ringsnow

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (either on the forums or in-game)
    Ringsnow, Darvos

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)
    Daywalker, Mysspelled, Kitzy
  7. Noyz
    Member Black Desert Member

    Oct 10, 2016
    Likes Received:
  8. Laub(Grg)
    Guest Crowfall Member

    Nov 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
  9. Jardaan
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Oct 1, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Most contributor member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)
    Ironjaw, Efitall, Darktide, Cattitudes, Castywho, Que, Object, Kyoji

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)
    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)
    Ironjaw, Darktide, Darvos, Kiritani (Tom)

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (your favorite posters of 2016)
    Ironjaw, Darktide, Efitall, Mortia, Darvos, ExplodingAcorn

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (your favorite recruits of 2016)
    Mysspelled, RingSnow, Darvos, Venom

    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)
    CastyWho, Nok, Tiranis, Ironjaw, Seojun, Cattitudes, Hiemdallr

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw, Mortia, Castywho

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)
    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)
    Darktide, Ironjaw, Mortia, Tasteynum

    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)
    Ironjaw, Mysspelled, Ringsnow, Nok, Cattitudes, Castywho, Hiemdallr, Tirinus, Mortia, Myspelled

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)
    Ironjaw, Mysspelled, Daros, Kiritani (Tom)

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (either on the forums or in-game)
    Ironjaw, Ringsnow, Nok, Venom, Cattitudes, Darvos

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)
    Mysspelled, Vedder, Daywalker, Ringsnow, Kitzy, Darvos, Tir
  10. Seojun
    Veteran Black Desert Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New York
    Most contributive member of 2016(list up to 8)

    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)

    DARKTIDE, efitall, Darvos, Ironjaw, Cattitudes, Mortia,

    Favorite leader of 2016 (list up to 3)

    (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.)

    Darktide, Darvos(BDO), Cattitudes(BDO)

    Favorite poster of 2016 (list up to 6)

    (your favorite posters of 2016)

    Acorn, Darktide, Ironjaw, Jardaan, Efitall, Mortia

    Best overall recruit of 2016 (list up to 4)

    (your favorite recruits of 2016)

    Darvos, Mysspelled, Nikki, Daywalker

    Popularity award of 2016 (list up to 6)

    (individuals you enjoy the most for 2016)

    Jardaan(BDO), Darvos(BDO), Cattitudes(BDO), Efitall, Darktide, Arzid

    Top Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)

    (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2016)

    Darktide, Ironjaw, Jardaan, Efitall

    Helpful Posters award of 2016 (list up to 4)

    (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2016)

    Darktide, Efitall, Acorn, Ironjaw

    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)

    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)

    Ironjaw, Darvos, Acorn, Jardaan, Cattitudes, Mortia, Efitall, Ringsnow

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)

    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)

    Cattitudes, Ironjaw, Darvos, Mysspelled,

    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)

    (either on the forums or in-game)

    Ironjaw, Jardaan, Casty, Cattitudes, Darvos, Hiemdallr

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)

    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)

    Mysspelled, Darvos, Venom, Daywalker, Nikki, Casty, Vedder, Tir

    Most Anticipated Games of 2017

    Gigantic, Revelation Online

  11. Whammy
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Officer

    Aug 1, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Most contributive member of 2016(list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.)


    Division-Specific Awards (Black Desert)

    Exemplary (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 8)
    (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division)
    IronJaw, Efitall, Nok, Casty

    Favorite (BDO) leader of 2016 (list only 4)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)


    Most active (BDO) member of 2016 (list up to 6)
    (either on the forums or in-game)

    Best new (BDO) recruit of 2016 (list only 8)
    (limited to members with a join date of 2016)

    Darvoss, Thonn, Whren, miniakira,

    Division-Specific Awards (Star Citizen)

    Favorite (Star Citizen
    ) leader of 2016 (list only 1)
    (includes CO/XO/Officers/Raid Leaders)


    Most active (Star Citizen) member of 2016 (list up to 2)
    (either on the forums or in-game)



    Best new game for 2017 and beyond! (list up to 2)
    (list up to (2) games you are looking forward to the MOST in the year(s) to come)

    CoE and Star Citizen