“No Microsoft products were reported stolen†Link That's one way to let everyone know what you think of Microsoft products.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were Surfaces lying around - depends on the habits of the people there though. Surface Pro isn't developed at SVC as far as I'm aware, though, and Windows Phone is in Redmond as well (it's practically just across the road from me). The Mac Business Unit on the other hand is based down there due to its proximity to Apple's HQ (although I'm not totally sure of the geographies involved - Mountain View is where Google is, Apple's in Cupertino, which may be a little further afield). But yeah, it is kind of funny. I don't know whether the thief was going for resale value (since MS products can probably still be sold) or just trying to make a point though
Probably a prank. Or maybe they thought Microsoft tech on Microsoft campus would be tracked. Well, it's pretty stupid however you look at it.